On September 2, the Chandrayaan-3 Pragyan rover entered sleep mode, and two days later on September 4, the Vikram lander was also put to sleep, following the end of one lunar day. “Once the battery is drained and the solar power is gone, Vikram fall asleep close to Pragyan. Awakening was anticipated for about September 22, 2023.
Before putting them into sleep mode, the lander’s payloads were switched off. “ISRO, however, decided to keep both the Pragyan Rover and Vikram Lander on in the hope of re-establishing communication with them.
The moon’s lunar night is now over. In an effort to determine the Vikram lander and Pragyan rover’s wake-up condition, communication has been attempted with them; however, ISRO has not received any signal from them. According to ISRO scientists, Lander and Vikram will automatically restart and cannot be prodded away from the planet. 22, 2023.
Scientists have optimism about Chandrayaan-3, The possibilities of revival are anticipated to improve as the lunar day goes on and the surface temperature rises, but ISRO Chairman S. Somanath has emphasized that it is impossible to predict when contact will be restored with the lander and rover. Temperatures as low as -200 to -250 degrees Celsius have been endured by the equipments while they have been in complete darkness.
Why Pragyan rover failed to imprint on Lunar Soil:
A new revelation has been made by ISRO chairman Mr. S. Somanath that the lunar surface of moon is not showing dusty and it is lumpy, as we know the rear wheel of Pragyan rover is carved with Indian National emblem and Isro logo but rover was unable to leave the clear stamp of these two on lunar soil that shows that something there in the soil that is binding the soil we need to find out the same.
The lander and rover on Chandryaan-3 were intended to complete their mission within 12 days of landing, and they have done so. If either of them awakens, it will be a bonus for our scientists and ISRO. If you want to know more about Chandrayaan-3 please click below link.